Sunday, July 5, 2009


Every critic, verified or self-assured, believes that they know what validates a true masterpiece of art. Oil vs. acrylic? Realistic vs. abstract? A certain combination of value and line? Which combination is best? In reality, a masterpiece is truly in the eye of the beholder. There are obviously many inspired artforms, one not necessarily better than the other. The expensive oil painting is just as valuable as the handbuilt ceramic vase in the eye of its maker. Each stroke or touch was deliberate. But in the eyes of others? of critics? Maybe not..due to norms or expectations. As artists, we try to recreate beauty. To twist nature and humankind into our own words or palette. What is beautiful in my eyes may be quite perplexing and visually confusing to others, eliciting the standard head tilt of confusion, made famous by my mother :). The important thing is that it has a purpose. To myself and the few others of whom it may touch, one of my simple paintings is beautiful; perfected in it's own right. And to think, we, the myriad of beauty called humans, are masterpieces in the eyes of God.

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