Sunday, July 5, 2009


Just to name a few. There have been quite a few Italian ways that have made me laugh. Almost out loud inappropriately at times. Such as the old lady who came out of the bathroom stall today with warning gestures and proceeded to take her dentures out for a rinse, all with her dress stuck in her undies. Try not to laugh.
Then there are the bidets. Posted above. Interesting. ha.
We went to the Lido Saturday for a day at the beach. Europeans are a very free lot. It was a hot day with very few layers, to say the least. Illustrated above. ha.
It's been interesting to learn all of the cultural ways, I'm sure there are plenty more to come. And I know they see me as some silly American with my clothes/shoes/hats. Oh well. I'll try to stay out of their way. ;)

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